February 27, 2021 WODs No Comments

YKV WOD March 13th, 2021

CrossFit YKV – CrossFit

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Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Outdoor WOD

With a partner complete the following 30 Minute AMRAP

Partner A Runs 400m

Partner B performs an AMRAP of Thruster #95/#65 until A finishes

Switch and repeat.

Score is reps of Thrusters

Each person only Runs once and does Thrusters once

Complete the following exercises in the above format:

Run/ Thruster #95/#65

Run/ Burpee

Run/ Power Snatch #115/#75


Run / Front Squat #135/#95

If above is completed in less than 30 minutes, start over and continue until 30 minute cap

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Outdoor WOD

With a partner complete the following 30 Minute AMRAP

Partner A Runs 400m

Partner B performs an AMRAP of Thruster #95/#65 until A finishes

Switch and repeat.

Score is reps of Thruster

Each person only Runs once and does Thruster once

Complete the following exercises in the above format:

Run/ Thruster #95/#65

Run/ Burpee

Run/ Power Snatch #115/#75


Run / Front Squat #135/#95

If above is completed in less than 30 minutes, start over and continue until 30 minute cap

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Home WOD

Complete the following 30 Minute AMRAP

400m Run/Row or 2 Minutes of Cardio

Dumbbell Thruster #50/#35

400m Run/Row or 2 Minutes of Cardio


400m Run/Row or 2 Minutes of Cardio

Dumbbell Alternating Snatch #50/#35

400m Run/Row or 2 Minutes of Cardio


400m Run/Row or 2 Minutes of Cardio

Front Squat #50/#35

Complete cardio movement and then do dumbbell or bodyweight movements for the same time

If above is completed in less than 30 minutes, start over and continue until 30 minute cap