YKV WOD July 26th, 2020
CrossFit YKV – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
Outdoor WOD
“Deck of Death”
Hearts: Thrusters #75/#55
Diamonds: V-Ups
Spades: Front Rack Lunge Steps #75/#55
Clubs: Burpees
Joker: 400m Run
Using a deck of 52 cards, each suit represents a movement and each number represents the reps
Ace = 1
Jack = 11
Queen = 12
King = 13
You will need a deck of cards or the deck of cards app for this workout .
Metcon (Time)
Home WOD
“Deck of Death”
Hearts: Backpack Thrusters
Diamonds: V-Ups
Spades: Backpack Bear Hug Lunge Steps
Clubs: Burpees
Joker: 60 Jump Squats
Using a deck of 52 cards, each suit represents a movement and each number represents the reps
Ace = 1
Jack = 11
Queen = 12
King = 13
You will need a deck of cards or the deck of cards app for this workout .
Metcon (Time)
Equipment Home WOD
“Deck of Death”
Hearts: Dumbbell Thrusters #50/#35
Diamonds: V-Ups
Spades: Dumbbell Lunge Steps #50/#35
Clubs: Burpees
Joker: 60 Jump Squats
Using a deck of 52 cards, each suit represents a movement and each number represents the reps
Ace = 1
Jack = 11
Queen = 12
King = 13
You will need a deck of cards or the deck of cards app for this workout .