YKV WOD August 29th, 2020
CrossFit YKV – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Outdoor WOD
“Batman and Robin”
With a partner complete the following 30 Minute AMRAP
Partner A Runs 400m
Partner B performs an AMRAP of Push Press #95/#65 until A finishes
Switch and repeat.
(score is reps of Push Press) (Each person only Runs once and does Push Press once in the the first round)
Complete the following exercises in the above format:
Run/ Push Press #95/#65
Run/ Burpee Box Jump 24″/20″
Run/ Hang Power Clean #115/#75
Run / Back Squat #135/#95
If above is completed in less than 26 minutes, start over and continue until 26 minute cap
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Home WOD
“Batman and Robin”
Complete the following 30 Minute AMRAP
Run/Row 400m or Cardio 2 Minutes
And Then
Performs an AMRAP of Push Press #50/#35
Complete the following exercises in the above format:
Run/ Push Press #50/#35
Run/ Burpee Tuck Jump
Run/ Hang Dumbbell Power Clean #50/#35
Run / Dumbbell Squat #50/#35
If above is completed in less than 26 minutes, start over and continue until 26 minute cap