CrossFit Strongman July 13th, 2019
CrossFit YKV, Stronghouse at YKV, Vitamindrip at YKV – CrossFit Strongman
A: Log Bar G2O (3-3-2-2-1-1)
B: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
“Death by…”
EMOM complete the following until you cant complete the reps in the minute:
50′ Farmers Carry #230/#150
50 Sled Push #180/#140
2 Axel Bar G2O #155/#105
Farmers Carry and Sled Push weight goes up by #40/#20
Axel Bar reps go up by 1
Everyone starts on a different station.
Complete 8 Burpees EMOM if you are done your station and other atletes are still working