September 2, 2017 WODs No Comments

CrossFit September 16th, 2017

CrossFit YKV – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

“Batman and Robin”

With a partner complete the following 26 Minute AMRAP

Partner A runs a 400M Sprint

Partner B performs an AMRAP of Push Press #115/#75 until A finishes

Switch and repeat.

(score is reps of Push Press) (Each person only runs once and does Push Press once)

Complete the following exercises in the above format:

Run/ Push Press #115/#75

Run / Bar Over Burpees

Run/ V-Ups

Run / Wall Balls #20/#14

Run / Back Squats #135/#95 (from the ground)

If above is completed in less than 26 minutes, start over and continue until 26 minute cap.