May 4, 2017 WODs No Comments

CrossFit May 18th, 2017

CrossFit YKV – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

8 Minute AMRAP

Odd- 10 Strict Press #95/#65

Even-20 Air Squats

90 Seconds Rest

8 Minute AMRAP

Odd- 8 Push Press #115/#75

Even-15 Sit Ups

90 Seconds Rest

8 Minute AMRAP

Odd- 6 Push Jerk #135/#95

Even-20 Lunge Steps

90 Seconds Rest

8 Minute AMRAP

Odd- 4 Split Jerk #155/#105

Even- 15 V-Ups

Perform Wall Balls #20/#14 in the remaining time of each minute
Please make sure you sign up for classes on wodify ahead of time to save your spot