CrossFit Comp Class June 30th, 2019
CrossFit YKV, Stronghouse at YKV, Vitamindrip at YKV – Comp Class
A: 3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk x 5 (5 x 3 + 2 + 1 )
B: Zercher Lunge (3 x 10 (5 each side))
UG Games Prep
C: Atlas Stone Clean (10 EMOM )
Odd Minutes: 5 Atlas Stone Cleans #130/#95
Even Minutes: 5 Burpees Over a Wall 48″
Place 2 24″ Boxes on Each Other
UG Games Prep
D: Metcon (Time)
UG Games Event #1
With a partner complete the following:
Synchronized Deadlifts #155/#105
Synchronized Pull Ups
E1: Sled Push (3 x 68’)
1 set = 2 lengths of the rig
Work up to a heavy set
UG Games Prep
E2: Farmers Carry (3 x 68’)
1 set = 2 lengths of the rig
Work up to a heavy set
UG Games Prep