CrossFit Comp Class January 26th, 2020
CrossFit YKV, Stronghouse at YKV, Vitamindrip at YKV – Comp Class
A: Sotts Press (3 x 5 E90S)
Clean grip from infront
B: Strict Press in Split Jerk Position (3 x 5 E90S)
C: Power Clean + Jerk (7 x 1 + 2 )
D: Clean Pull (5 x 2 )
6 seconds lowering phase
110% of 1RM Squat Clean
E: Metcon (Time)
In teams of 3 complete the following:
20 Squat Cleans and Jerks #135/#95
15 Squat Cleans and Jerks #185/#130
10 Squat Cleans and Jerks #225/#155
One partner works at a time
F: Metcon (Time)
In teams of 2 complete the following:
Bar Muscle Ups
Squat Snatches #95/#65
One partner works at a time
G: Metcon (No Measure)
G1 Banded March 3 x 3 Minutes
G2 Back Extension Dumbbell Row 3 x 10
G3 Barbell Bicep Curls 3 x 10