YKV WOD October 24th, 2020
CrossFit YKV – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Outdoor WOD
With a partner complete the following 30 minute AMRAP of:
50 Deadlifts #225/#155
50 Burpees
50 Cleans #165/#115
50 Burpees
50 S2O #135/#95
50 Burpees
50 Thrusters #95/#65
50 Burpees
One Partner Works at a Time
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Home WOD
30 Minute AMRAP of:
25 Dumbbell Deadlifts #50/#35
25 Burpees
25 Dumbbell Cleans #50/#35
25 Burpees
25 Dumbbell S2O #50/#35
25 Burpees
25 Dumbbell Thrusters #50/#35
25 Burpees