April 26, 2017 WODs No Comments

CrossFit May 10th, 2017

CrossFit YKV – CrossFit

Coach Keren’s last day is today and we all at CrossFit YKV wish her good luck in her nutrition career.

Snatch Balance (3 x 5)

Overhead Squats (3 x 5)

Metcon (Time)

400m Run


#5625/#4125 of G2O

400m Run

#35 /118

#45 125/92

#55 102/75

#65 87/64

#75 75/55

#85 66/48

#95 59/43

#105 54/

#115 49/

#125 45/

#135 42/

20 Minute Time Cap

Please make sure you sign up for classes on wodify ahead of time to save your spot.