January 24, 2017 press No Comments

10 Unique Workouts in Toronto that are Actually Fun AF


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Image: Instagram/@flyqueenwest

Looking to get fit but hate the gym? Intention is one thing, execution is another and it’s especially difficult when the treadmill and free weights send you into a lazy stupor. Lucky for you, we’ve rounded up the top 10 unique workouts in Toronto so you can actually have fun while you work out.

Still haven’t started your New Year’s resolution to get fit and workout? We’re not trying to be cynical but let’s be honest and cut the crap – new year, new you is more like new year, same sh*t. That goal you made to workout three years ago probably isn’t getting started anytime soon so don’t even bother – with the gym that is. What if your failure to be as fit as an Instagram model is only be due to your lack of creativity when it comes to working out and not your unwavering ability at being lazy? Changing it up might be exactly the push you need! Take a look at 10 unique workouts in Toronto that are actually fun AF below:

Suspension Yoga
Suspension Yoga has been trending over the past couple years and for good reason! It combines the relaxing and strengthening practices of yoga with aerial movements and inversion to achieve a deeper, yet supported stretch. Not to mention, it’s a safe way to try adding handstands to your practice. Try it at The Flying YogiFly Queen West or Antigravity Fitness to name a few.

fun workouts in toronto

Image: Instagram/@skyzone_toronto

Sky Zone Trampoline Park
Sky Zone dubs themselves the inventors of “fun fitness” and the makers of trampolines as far as the eye can see. The indoor trampoline park combines jumping and aerobics in their Skyfit class to burn up to 1,000 calories. They also offer Open Jump sessions, Ultimate Dodgeball games and more.

If you’re looking for a workout that’s also going to teach you some sexy moves, Twerkout at Brass Vixens is right up your alley. The class is jam packed with booty poppin’ dance, toning, and sculpting, all while you discover the mysteries of twerking and how to properly gyrate that a**.

fun workouts in toronto

Image: Instagram/@aquamermaidschool

Why swim laps when you can be a mermaid? AquaMermaid offers swimming lessons all done while wearing your very own mermaid tail. It may sound like a gimmick, but becoming a mermaid requires core, glute, and quad strength. These muscles will be activated, paired with some good old cardio while you master underwater choreography.

Full360 Tabata
Tabata is good for those seeking a challenging and effective workout that takes less than 5 minutes. The class follows a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) method but one that’s done in a very specific format to increase your anaerobic capacity to burn calories throughout the day. The session includes 20 seconds of HIIT exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, which is repeated 8 times for a total of 4 minutes.

fun workouts in toronto

Image: Instagram/@surfsetto

If you’ve ever wanted to try surfing, but can’t make it out to the ocean, Surfset is the best alternative. This class uses surf techniques to improve your full body, core strength and endurance throughout a 45-minute workout, all while balancing on a surfboard. It’s basically like surfing sans water!

The Cut: Boxing & Martial Arts
The Cut at Equinox is a cardio-forward boxing and martial arts class with no bags, no wraps, and no ring. All you need are your own hands, some light hand weights, and your killer instinct. Each class is done to an explosive playlist and is repeated through five rhythmic, relentless rounds to really get you sweating it out.

fun workouts in toronto

Image: Instagram/@crossfitykv

CrossfitYKV is almost like an adult jungle gym. Classes combine a mix of strength training and conditioning using monkey bars to increase the intensity of squatting, back bends, pull ups and wall balls, all customized to the intensity you can handle. The studio is also equipped with a boxing station, bikes, and treadmills but these are primarily used for warm-ups.

Ganja Yoga
If a low-key, restorative workout is more your jam, then you need to try Ganga Yoga at The House of Yoga. Classes involve the normal practice of yoga, except it’s all done while you’re high! BYOG – bring your own ganja.

Let out some pent-up aggression by partaking in Box-Fit at Studio KO. The 45-minute class will keep you on your toes with interval training that combines boxing techniques with strength and cardio, not to mention incredibly inspiring teacher encouragement and upbeat music. But just because it’s more fun than your average workout doesn’t mean it’s not intense – you’ll just be too involved to notice. We suggest booking a class with Master Trainer DJ Laperle, he’ll have your body tight and toned in no time.